Puerto Cortes国际物流

2015/6/8   |  分类:海运货代

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2015/6/1   |  分类:整柜货运公司
Peru 秘鲁 PE 51 -13
Philippines 菲律宾 PH 63 0
Poland 波兰 PL 48 -7
French Polynesia 法属玻利尼西亚 PF 689 +3
Portugal 葡萄牙 PT 351 -8
Puerto Rico 波多黎各 PR 1787 -12
Qatar 卡塔尔 QA 974 -5
Reunion 留尼旺 262 -4
Romania 罗马尼亚 RO 40 -6
Russia 俄罗斯 RU 7 -5
Saint Lueia 圣卢西亚 LC 1758 -12

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international air transport

2015/6/1   |  分类:拼箱货运公司
Second, Hong Kong DHL international express, UPS international express, FEDEX international express, DPEX and other products, providing the most shocking agent price, timeliness than mainland DHL international courier from one to half a day later in Hong Kong transport time, preferential shipment prices for customers large ticket consignment substantial savings logistics costs. Inexpensive and convenient logistics costs in order to win more customers.

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