
2020/11/24  |  分类:出口货运公司  |  标签:  |   views
Our company also undertakes import and export of private items, including luggage of students studying abroad, people working abroad, and guests visiting abroad as well as luggage of students returning to China and foreign personnel working in consulates.
Chinese residents going abroad should prepare the original copy of the passport, invoice, electronic ticket certificate, cargo detail list, and import and export personal item application form (the application form is not required of non-long-term passengers).
Long-term (non-long-term) foreign passengers going abroad should prepare the original copy of the passport, invoice, electronic passenger ticket certificate, cargo detail list, and import and export personal item application form (the application form is not required of non-long-term passengers).
Long-term foreign passengers going to China should prepare the original copy of the passport (the passport is the long-term visa), employment or student certificate, invoice, cargo detail list and the import and export personal item application form.
Non-long-term foreign passengers going to China should prepare the original copy of the passport, employment or student certificate, invoice, airport border entry application list, and cargo detail list. Chinese passengers returning to China should prepare the original copy of the passport, invoice, cargo detail list, and the airport boarder entry application list.
All the above requirements are targeted at personal items within the justified scope.具有进出口权,经国家批准许可在全国各海关专业代理货物进出口及报关业务 。在长期的运作过程中,我们和商检局、海关、银行、外汇管理局、贸促会保持良好的合作关系,从而实现高速安全的运作模式,为您提供优质的服务 。
品范围主要有: 鞋类、服装、手袋、玩具、五金制品、家电、食品、水果、蔬菜、家私、竹木制品、灯饰、铁制品、陶瓷等等。
根据最终进口国的不同,提供相应的国外进口报关单证。 如C/O、FORM A、董蒸证书 、植检证书以及其它相应单证。



