
Euclid St. #C-116 Garden Grove, CA 92843

2016/9/1  |  分类:出口货运公司  |  标签:  |   views
Euclid St. #C-116 Garden Grove, CA 92843With its matured logistics infrastructure and almost 20 years of experience and partnerships, HMG has integrated the various service resources into a seamless offering for different customers. We customize our solutions according to customer demands from various aspects such as a pre-sales, production and after-sales. HMG’s proven standardized operational processes and trained professionals have provided us with a strong platform to provide efficient and reliable logistics services to our customers.公司拥有签约运价,优势航线涵盖中南美、非洲、中东印巴、欧洲地中海、东南亚。集装箱进口业务依托强大的关系网络,代理多种大宗品名业务,有着丰富的操作经验。    特种箱与散杂货业务竞争优势明显,特种箱服务一直是我司特色服务,包含各种开顶箱,框架箱,冻柜危险品等,产品涉及车辆,机械、轮胎、管件、玻璃、危险品等,由资深专业人员全程跟踪操作。散杂货业务在中东波斯湾、西非、东非、 南美南太平洋岛国等航线,拥有绝对竞争力的运价和服务。产品涉及大型石油装备、车辆,机械、管件、钢材等。



