
2016/1/7  |  分类:海运物流公司  |  标签:  |   views
With self-managed container / bulk cargo fleet and experienced full-time scheduling.
The cargo fleet accepts containers, bulk cargo and special cargo services (GOH, reefer container, dangerous goods, special container, large cargo, etc.)
The fleet is equipped with Global Positioning System so as to grasp the goods land transportation state and offer punctual service.
Drivers’ standardized process operation. Inform the scheduling about the situation in the process of picking up container, loading container and delivering container at any time and obey the instructions.
The fleet operates 24 hours a day. Rapid response mechanism is established for special-need services
Accept transportation for overweight, oversized and sensitive goods原产地证
C.O.产地证(CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN)又称一般产地证,是原产地证的一种。C.O.产地证是用以证明有关出口货物和制造地的一种证明文件,是货物在国际贸易行为中的“原籍”证书。具有以下几方面的作用:
1. 确定产品关税待遇,提高市场竞争力的重要工具;C.O.产地证则是各国海关据以征收关税和实施差别待遇的有效凭证。如在进口国与出口国的政府之间定有关税协定,用条约形式规定了协定税率(AGREED CUSTOMS RATE),或两国之间条约上规定了最惠国条款(MOST FAVORED NATION CLAUSE),买方往往要求卖方提供有效的产地证明书来证明进口货物的原产地确系缔约的对方国才能获得相应的税率待遇。
2. C.O.产地证还起到证明商品内在品质、提高商品竞争力的作用。如在国际市场上持有中国原产地证的丝绸比持有其他不产丝绸国家产地证的丝绸更能卖好价。此外,产地证有时还是贸易双方进行交接、结汇的必备单据。如买方在申请开信用证(L/C)时常要求提供C.O.产地证以确保其自身利益,银行也常以C.O.产地证作为信用证(L/C)是否解付的重要凭证。



