
2015/12/29  |  分类:拼箱货运公司  |  标签:  |   views
Special cargo and dangerous goods transport service: the most optimized packing, enforcement and transport services for all kinds of overlarge, complex cargo, space booking and declaration of dangerous cargo.
l Railway-Sea transport, River-Sea transport: realizing through transport service by combining of railway, river and sea.
l AMS, ACI, ISF, and ICS declaration services: Providing the manifest declaration for shipments to the United States, Canada and Europe.
l Cargo transportation insurance service: Providing cargo transportation insurance in various trading terms. 国际货运代理有限公司是国家一级货运代理公司。经过多年的诚信经营,我们与各大国内外船公司及航空公司保持了紧密的合作伙伴关系,其中包括UASC、APL、MAERSK、COSCO、HANJIN、EVERGREEN、OOCL、CMA、NORASIA、MSC、CHINASHIPPING、LUFTHANS、ANA、ATLANTIC、UNITED等。鉴于与船公司及航空公司合作的广泛性,我们可以为您提供更快捷的信息、更准确的船期和航班信息、更充足的舱位、更合理的运价,使您得到各口岸最优质的服务。在加上我们在世界各地有上百个代理公司,网络遍布全球,在FOB服务领域,拥有无可比拟的优势。



