
2013/5/28  |  分类:物流手册  |  标签:  |   views
the confirmation of order
Confirm entrust dongya international to provide the service for you, you may call the national dongya international free service hot line: 4000 345 568 contact our commissioner orders and commissioner will fill in far related data and the matters needing attention to you, for you to fill out the personal items of attorney ", "the packing list" and so on, can direct scanning, fax or email dongya.

3、arrange send box
We received your submit information, specific address and sent to box after box of time, will arrange our agent free on-site send box. Then, we will provide free packaging materials to you, save you prepare packing material of time. At the same time, professional packaging material can let your luggage get more safe protection. In the arrangement send box before, according to your order will far materials relevant charge number of packages deposit, the deposit will be in the final freight off back to you.

4、Door to Door service

Please you one day in advance reservation time far, we will arrange agency come to receive box. To ensure the safety of the items you shipped and fast, we all domestic goods on all arranged in guangzhou as a starting point.

5、the balance
Upon receipt of the goods you, what you will be far shipper weight and volume of the actual weighing and measurement, and will take photo of items, issue "delivering goods list". You can balance of by t/t, or net silver in the form of transfer payment to us.

6、global delivered
We will through the international express will your goods sent to foreign a recipient's destination, and will provide international express delivery order to you, you can be directly in the international express the official web site for online dynamic tracking inquires the parcel you information.

多条国际地区航线的国际空运业务,是DHL空运,UPS空运国际空运,国际空运,香港国际空运各大航空货运包板商,使我们拥有优惠的DHL空运,UPS空运,国际空运价格,国际空运价格,香港国际空运价格,可以接收全国各地外销货品, 对各种敏感物品均有强势出口的能力,为企业量身订做物流方案,提供一次到位的全方位国际空运解决方案公司拥有高素质、国际化水平的团队,实现了国际空运市场销售服务、航班配载、货物安检、装机卸机、货物仓储、远程派送等操作的一条龙国际空运服务,服务水平与国际标准接轨。



