瑞士Swiss Confederation 伯尔尼Bern

2013/3/22  |  分类:海运货代  |  标签:  |   views
Today’s growing market suppliers, distributors and customers are spread globally. Hence, an ever increasing need for reliable partners to assist organisations with their day-to-day business in ensuring cargos reach the right person at the right time and in the right form. Today’s challenging economy an efficient supply chain is not just a requirement & great cost saver, but also serves a key competitive advantage.

We offer services as below:
法国French Republic 巴黎Paris
比利时Kingdom of Belgium 布鲁塞尔Brussels
卢森堡Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 卢森堡Luxembourg
奥地利Republic of Austria 维也纳Vienna
瑞士Swiss Confederation 伯尔尼Bern
列支敦士登Principality of Liechtenstein 瓦杜兹Vaduz
西班牙Kingdom of Spain 马德里Madrid
安道尔Principality of Andorra 安道尔Andorra la Vella
葡萄牙Portuguese Republic 里斯本Lisbon
意大利Italian Republic 罗马Rome
马耳他Republic of Malta 瓦莱塔Valletta
圣马力诺Republic of San Marino 圣马力诺San Marino
梵蒂冈Vatican City 梵蒂冈Port-au-Prince



