槟城进出口揽运 槟城海运专线。槟城海运物流代理公司专线

2012/10/22  |  分类:整柜货运公司  |  标签:槟城海运专线    |   views
Shanghai-base leading third-party provider of warehousing, containers management, transportation, distributing and customized supply chain solutions. We manage over 80200 M2 container station space in Shanghai. Our Puxi station has a 19000M2 container yard which has 6000 TEU storage capability. It also has 4100M2 warehousing space, which contains 3000M2 CFS warehouse space and a 1100M2 packing workshop. Our Pudong station has 50000M2 container yard space and 7100M2 warehouse space, which has 16000 TEU storage capability. All the JINZHE stations are equipped by advanced facilities, providing the most secured services. Our efficient fleet of container trucks is all equipped by GPS system that guarantees our clients the best solutions for transportation.
JINZHE’s distribution center provides warehousing, packing and processing services. Meanwhile, our Container Management Center provides EIR management, container maintenance and 24-hours repair services.  本部门主要承担公司的大宗散杂货的进出口揽运工作及配套货运服务,如槟城船务、槟城配载、槟城装船现场监督、港务、报关、商检、陆运、驳运、铁路等等。

  在超大件散货的进出口业务上,我们有很强的优势,能为您策划超限重大件货运输最佳的运输方式和方法。既要达到安全运输,又要考虑降低各方面的成本费用。从运输路线,到加固和绑扎的每一个细节,我们都为客人提供可靠的运输方案。 并可提供各类大件设备及大宗散杂货的码头接运服务。



